
Showing posts from September, 2011

Moreish.. involving eggs. WARNING: I get quite daft

I felt I should write. Its been awhile since I wrote. Since then stuff has happened, riots have erupted, Gaddafi's dissapeared, the last shuttle mission came and went, I had a technicolour doomed romance, I pondered the existence of Mt. Rushmore, a Meteor fell to earth near Cusco, Its started to get cold again,  I almost considered moving to Paris. Lots of stuff. Billions of things.  I'm now the first employee of the London Bridge Experience to work both in the History section and the zombie section simultaneously.  This is a thing. Its a thing of variety. Upstairs is silly. Here, in full I present the family history of the Eggman Family.  A group I created on a whim for a certain week of shows. I hope it proves illuminating.. C. 60AD - Weetabix Eggman Weetabix Eggman, an egg trader from Gaul finds himself caught up in the Iceni revolt.  While selling eggs in Colechester, the Roman capital, a bunch of naked blue iceni warriors appear and set about tearing u...