Trans - Siberian part 5 - Beijing (iv)
Moving on. "Day 5, Saturday the 8th of December 2012. Bus to the Great Wall. On my way out to one of the prerequisites. Up early this morning to grab lunch for the great wall trip and to check out. The little old lady in the tiny store at the end of the road insisted on me not buying some plastic wrapped French bread like I wanted but instead held out a packet of weird Tiaramasu like things towards me, she looked so sweet, smiling and curtsying slightly with her head tilted to one side, nodding encouragement. She tried to make me buy two packs, the sly old thing, but I only bought the one. On the bus, which I caught at a hostel a few doors up, I met 2 Irish people, one, a girl from Kilkenny, is travelling home for Christmas. The other is from KerryPike in Cork! Hes the nephew of Mags MacCarthy from UCC! When he was young he was Babysat by none other then Gillian Horgan, an old Drama society colleague also at UCC. The madness of the...