The Young Jeremiah Chronicles - Istanbul to Cairo Part 3

Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 18:14:01 +0000 Subject: Beyond the gates Hi everybody! (Hi doctor Jerry) I`m currently eating a Hama speciality, its called halawat al jibna , basically its creamed cheese wrapped in uncooked dough with nuts and caramelised sugar on top. The guy selling it to me made me use what little Arabic I have, which basically led to the three of us laughing back and forth at each other for about 10 minutes. Its nice, although after 2 pieces I'm beginning to feel a little a queasy sort of way. Our friend in the Krak Hama , a town in Syria, we thought it was gonna be pretty small, it isn't. Actually everything we assumed about Syria turned out to be wrong. Banish all images you ever had of Syria and let me paint you a picture of a country with religious tolerance, almost European amenities, a beautiful landscape going from reds to blacks, to deepest greens. And to top it off a people so amazingly friendly its almost too ...