
Showing posts from July, 2013

The Young Jeremiah Chronicles - Istanbul to Cairo Part 6

This will definitely be the final part of my correspondence home from the Middle East in 2004.  It finds Eoin and myself in Cairo, preparing for the trip home.  Fri, 10 Sept 2004 15:39:38 +0000 Subject : Penultimation and Jubilation Hello from sunny Cairo Yep, still in Cairo, Its as busy and bustly as ever.  Good city, again I'll say its nothing like I imagined it, those damn Egyptians are far too independent to exits merely as an old fashioned holiday destination for the pleasure of us posh Europeans.  Nope, its not like 1920 here, why did I think it would be like that? I don't think I did consciously, but I did on some level. Its just like any other big big capital, brassy, shiny and busy. I like Cairo though, its a good city to pick as a final destination. The last two days have basically involved us meandering around, seeing what kind of city Cairo is, trying to grasp that whole Cairene feel.  Yesterday we awoke with the inten...

The Young Jeremiah Chronicles - Istanbul to Cairo Part 5

My emails continue.  We'd left behind the less travelled section of our journey and now found we had too much time in Egypt.  As reflected here by a plethora of 'final' emails.  Anyway, picking up the tale in Dahab, tourist resort on the Sinai Coast. Wed, 1 Sep 2004 14:43:05 +0000 Subject : Walk like an Egyptian Hello  everyone  (gee, my starting greeting has been consistently uninspired throughout this trip, lets try again shall we.....) Greetings, from the depths of space and time, through the miracle of modern technology, I bring you this communication from the African continent, electronically propelled through vast strands of sub-molecular infra-structuring containment levelings, I come to you now to report on what has transpired... Nah.. Hi everybody, We're in Egypt, which is of course in Africa, new continent for me and all. The last continent on this trip so it happens.  Anyway, as I'm tripping over my own babb...