Iran 2017 Part 4 - Journey to Isfahan

Breakfast was easy: cheese wrapped in flatbread. Paying my bill was complex. So devalued is the Iranian currancy that 1000 has its own shorthand, 'Toman' this mixes freely with other forms of standard and unspecified monetary slang and it was something I never really came to a full understanding of. Here, on my first morning, I was at the beginning of that particular doomed ascent into comprehension and so for the first time of many, thought I understood it all completely. I nodded "Ah Yes, of course!" and strode out into the dusty alley. With only the tiny map on the back of the hostel's business card to work from I headed first away from and then towards the Metro. It was still busy and it was still confusing. At one crossroads I encountered a contented looking mime, while I glanced, alarmed at his static smile, a lady, half glimpsed, brushed close and left me with a bunch of white flowers. She was gone before I got a chanc...