
Showing posts from May, 2013

The Young Jeremiah Chronicles - Istanbul to Cairo Part 1

The year after Thailand, myself and my friend Eoin Ryan decided to head to the Middle East.  It had been something I'd wanted to do for years.  As a kid I used to annoy baby sitters by appearing in the living room after being put to bed, kept awake by nagging questions concerning Tutankhamen's genealogy.  Apparently.   Later in life, I'd become obsessed with T.E. Lawrence, somehow making it through 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom' twice, not to mention a book of his letters and several biographies.  I'd familiarised myself with a fairly large number of ancient alphabets, and had recently taught myself to read Arabic. Jerry And Eoin 2004 Yet I kept putting it off.  I think it was only Eoin's madness in saying he'd like to come along that made me take the plunge.  It was quite a risk at the time.  Iraq had only recently been declared 'At Peace' Bush had landed on his aircraft carrier and declared 'Mission Accomplished', and so, war st...

The Young Jeremiah Chonicles - Thai Correspondance

Keeping to the theme I now to present to you my emails from a decade ago. I touched upon Thailand earlier in the blog, last year some time.  When I was traveling through Thailand I had a very extensive mailing list of friends whom I kept updated regarding my travels. Trekking in Thailand So here it is, with some photos.  And notes where appropriate. It gets better after the first few.  Somewhat.  Welcome to my  unstructured  mind! Oh, please excuse the somewhat childish nature of some of this.  I was 20, quite naive, and with a marked fondness for exclamation points.   So stand down grammar Nazis, I am aware. 6/9/2003 Hey everyone, Jerry here, from sunny sunny Thailand. Sorry that I didn’t write earlier mom. Funny story actually, wrote a very long winded email(like this one) a couple of days ago, but in my rush to get my train I accidentally deleted the entire thing, whoops! Anyway... Thailand... It’s great...